Judging by the number of messages in my inbox seeking advice, choosing a smartwatch can be a daunting task.

The most important consideration lies in the reason you want a smartwatch – and only you will know the answer.

Do you want a smartwatch with fitness features or a fitness tracker with some smart functionality? All smartwatches available today offer some form of fitness tracking, and some fitness watches offer basic smart features, but that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s executed well.

Will you use it mainly for fitness training?

One could consider a smartwatch for an introduction to fitness, like calories burned and tracking steps, before moving on to more specialised routines. This could be for working out, training for a big race, or if you take up something more specialised like trail running or swimming.

Will you use it to monitor your health?

Another major reason is health. The majority of smartwatches offer blood oxygen monitoring (which, for example helps COVID 19 patients) and the ability to monitor your heart through ECGs that are sent to your doctor. You can also track sleeping patterns, cardio fitness levels, or menstrual cycles.

Continue reading here: https://justonelap.com/smartwatch-shopping-101/